Harvest of Blessings Virtual Event

POSTED Nov 18, 2020

Each November, St. Anne Home holds a special fundraising event — Harvest of Blessings — to benefit the programs and services offered. Since we’re unable to gather physically for this 24th event year, we’re grateful to welcome you, virtually.

Over these next ten days, we welcome you to join us at harvest-of-blessings.org. There, you’ll see videos with residents, staff and family sharing their blessings over the past year — and especially those experienced during these past few months.

We’re also giving special recognition to the Greensburg Diocesan Chapter of the Knights of Columbus for their support. And we have a special memorial tribute to Sr. Evelyn Labik, our beloved receptionist who recently passed away.

We hope you'll join us! It’s free to log on and donations to St. Anne Home are tax deductible. Thank you for your prayerful and financial support.